
Thanks for all the kind words about my first attempt at blogging my current experience. A bit of a sideways swerve with this one as a few of you asked me to go into more detail about the lady I mentioned who I encountered on my first older people’s ward. I’d not really had any experience of dementia before. My grandfather had developed it very late on in his life, but I’d been shielded from any realistic understanding or experience as he didn’t live close by. So when I met Grace on the ward, she was my first proper encounter. As I mentioned, it was a busy ward with a mix of older people who were admitted with either physical ailments or due to mental ill health or often, both. On reflection, the layout and logistics of the place placed much or almost all of the onus of care on meeting the physical needs of patients as it was a medical ward first and foremost. It meant staff were always busy, with around 30 patients all with varying needs, many needing assistance to wash, dress...