Songs from a Broken Mind. A few tougher days recently.

Here in the black, there's a feeling of loss, but it's hungry and restless and it's Looking, desperate for something and it feels like a child but they're screaming all helpless and it's Absent of mercy, it's alive and it feels with not a shred of compassion or love It comes like a pouring of evil, it's a stain when the ground is a desolate shadow of fear. Gary Numan. Here in the Black. From the album Splinter (Songs from a Broken Mind) As I’ve mentioned several times previously, choosing which artist and lyrics to quote is something I enjoy each day. Today I’ve gone back to Gary Numan. It’s a dark lyric but appropriate. Numan’s music has been with me since the late seventies and my late childhood/early teens. If you’ve not seen it, Gary Numan: Android in La La Land (2016) is a fascinating documentary that gives a real insight into the impact various mental health challenges and mental illness can have and on coming through the other side. It’s at times de...