Thank you for being a friend

Thank you for being a friend Traveled down a road and back again Your heart is true, you're a pal and a confidant I'm not ashamed to say I hope it always will stay this way My hat is off, won't you stand up and take a bow Andrew Gold. Thank you for being a friend. Well 2020 didn’t work out as planned. I can’t imagine there is anyone who won’t be glad to see the back of it. Whilst I think it’s going to take much of 2021 for us to get back to any kind of normality, I do at least go into the new year in a very different place mentally, than 12 months ago. If there are positives I can draw from the last 12 months, one of the biggest is the reset I’ve had in what I value, with friendship right at the top, with of course, family. Through the course of my depression, I’ve had a small number of close friends who have been there through thin and thinner, putting up with my numerous down days, and being there to meet up on my good ones, when COVID rules have allowed. I’ve reconnecte...