Time to talk weights, health and fitness.

Mr. Blue Sky please tell us why You had to hide away for so long (so long) Where did we go wrong? Hey you with the pretty face Welcome to the human race A celebration, Mr. Blue Sky's up there waitin' And today is the day we've waited for. ELO. Mr Blue Sky Today marks the end of week 8 of the 12 week case study I’m currently undertaking with TEWV NHS mental health trust and Tristan Eaglen Coaching. I’ve just come inside from a forty five minute unsupervised weights session. That’s five days out of seven I’ve lifted this week. Today consisted of four reps of 10 x barbell overhead presses, 10 x barbell bicep curls and some 20 second pause split squats. TEC introduced those to me in yesterday’s session and as it was an easier session today, I tried to stick to 20 seconds after yesterday’s 15. As of the start of December, I’d not exercised for three months and was piling on the pounds, my antidepressants had just been increased and I had little purpose to my life. A combination ...