The start of the ending or the ending of the beginning?

We've come a long long way together Through the hard times and the good I have to celebrate you baby I have to praise you like I should Fatboy Slim. Praise You. This week sees the final three sessions of physical coaching. It’s remarkable how quickly twelves weeks have gone. I’ll be going through a series of assessments, both physical and mental, in order to inform the case study of progress, impact and outcomes. Having used both Strava and Zwift to record exercise data, there’s already a number of figures that make for interesting reading. I’ll have pedalled over 1,800km in the 12 weeks once Saturday’s final FTP test is concluded. Spread over 65 or so hours on the bike. The three structured training sessions per week with Tristan Eaglen Coaching have been enjoyable, if at times, very challenging physically. I’ve not missed a session and have looked forward to them. I’m now confident enough to do some training in between. I feel stronger and fitter physically, but als...