Feeling on top of the World.

It was during a meeting with the Crisis Service and CMHT, when my care was to be transferred to CMHT, that I was asked if I had any specific requests or needs that CMHT should consider. I gave them a challenge, which has become the case study I'm now involved in and what I'd like to focus on in this blog. A bit of background first. I'd spent the past 10 years developing a charity working with predominantly older people, using sport as a focus for reminiscence, as this developed, we discovered that by talking about sport, we could create a safe, fun environment, where even the least active would willingly join in regular exercise and games. Being a man in his 50's (the government class 50 as the start of old age, as if!!) I'd made a conscious decision in 2018 to try to start exercising more, as I was working seven days a week and wasn't practising what I was preaching. Every time I made the effort to exercise, I immediately felt fresher and better for it, both ...