Tests, tests and more tests, before hitting the (outdoor) gym

Everybody's talkin' at me

I don't hear a word they're sayin',

Only the echoes of my mind
People stoppin' starin'
I don't see the faces,
Only the shadows of their eyes

Neil Diamond. Everybody's Talkin.

This week started off with a trip to my GP surgery to have a few tests and measures. This included bloods, weight, height and waist circumference, blood pressure and resting heart rate. I've also had assessments today by my Consultant Psychiatrist on my mood level and an assessment by a physiotherapist on my daily exercise and activities (or lack of them). Tomorrow I'll be completing a baseline PHQ9 questionnaire and will be commencing completing a daily mood diary. I've purchased a Garmin HRM heart rate monitor along with monthly membership of the cycling App, Zwift. 

Thursday will be my first session of three months working with the support of a personal trainer, who has compiled a detailed and structured training programme. This will include learning to lift and use weights, as well as plenty of cardio work on my bike, using a turbo trainer. I really love cycling and have missed it enormously these past few months. I've never lifted weights before, so I have a little bit of trepidation around this, but am looking forward to learning. 

I'm hoping that having a structured regime will give my mood level an immediate boost, and that the exercise, coupled with the recent increase in my anti depressants will finally see improvements and some solid foundations laid in my journey toward recovery.

I hope to incorporate some golf too, weather and Covid lockdowns permitting! I always carry my golf bag and walk briskly between shots, so it should add to my core strength and balance, as well as contribute to my wellbeing, through the company of friends as well as exercise. Hopefully the weightlifting and cardio work might just improve my golf too, but that's maybe a hope too far fetched...

Finally, if you think or know that a mate is struggling, send them a message. Don’t push them for an answer, but don’t be afraid to contact them. You might not get an answer, or you may get one eventually. It’s highly likely though that it will be read and appreciated. 

One way of signing off is this.

“Please don’t feel any obligation to reply to this. I know how difficult it can be to deal with things when your mind isn’t right and I wouldn’t want you to feel any pressure.“

Love and tier 2 hugs


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