Couch Potato. An unremarkable day watching spectacular racing.

They try to move us; to use us

Like Judas did Jesus; to please us

Diverting the issues to misuse the peoples

How are we gonna get them out?

How are we gonna vote them out?

Fun Lovin’ Criminals. I can’t get with that.

Today’s lyrical choice was more about wanting to squeeze in a Fun Lovin’ Criminal’s track more than any specific reference. Though the way the world is going, I don’t see anyone being voted out of power any time soon either side of the Atlantic. 

A good friend suggested trying to switch off from reading/watching world news at the onset of my mental ill health, but I found It hard to do so as I was used to keeping up on current issues. More recently I’ve shied away from the news, partly I think down to finally recognising I needed to refocus and partly down to my meds/brain just not being interested. There’s surely only so much disheartening news anyone can take!

So yesterday was quite an unremarkable day. We over slept and didn’t wake till nearly 11am. I didn’t recall any dreams, for what must have been a pretty peaceful 13 hours of kip. 

It meant forcing myself out of bed fairly sharpish to switch on the TV in time to watch the British Touring Car Championship coverage on ITV2. Seven hours of live racing, filled most of my day. 

The racing was as spectacular as my day was unremarkable. So a good day all round.

As I was pretty chilled out and feeling okay, I thought I’d have a read of the progress of the current consultation that is underway with the mental health trust who are delivering my care, but remembered as I went to the online platform, you are only able to log in and contribute Mon - Fri. 8am - 8pm. An irony not lost on me, given my experiences of the crisis team’s lack of medical cover on a weekend! Organisation’s still have some way to go to understanding what good, open consultation/conversation looks like. 

I can’t reconcile a balance of why access should be so limited when an organisation is saying it wants to hear as much feedback as possible and to reach out to as many people as possible. 

Racing finished, I cooked tea, had an early night. Back to Mirtazapine dreams, absolutely convinced I was staying at a colleagues house ready for a 6am alarm, to drive to Portsmouth for a study day. Briefly woke during the night and reached to check my alarm was set on my phone. Of course it wasn’t and it took some time to get my head round I’d been dreaming. They seem so realistic and plausible. Went back to sleep and I woke as my wife’s alarm rang, feeling utterly confused as to what time/day/place it was.

No road trips, no work. Took a good cup of tea to get head round dreams v reality. Which of course is work is a distant dream. This week I meet with my CPN for the first time to start the process of constructing my care plan on the first steps toward my recovery.

I’ll write about the rest of Monday in tomorrow‘s blog, it’s mostly been good, but I’m exhausted. Depression is really tiring at times. 

Love n hugs but only before 10pm

Blot x


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