Exciting and Big News.


May your mind set you free

(chorus: opened by the wonderful) 

May your heart lead you on

May your mind let you breathe all of disaster 

(chorus: opened by the wonderful)

May your heart lead you on

James. Waltzing Along

Proper horrible start to the day, such a graphic nightmare, it’s impossible to describe just how real they feel. I was apparently whimpering in my sleep when I was dreaming of pleading with police to handcuff me at the top of a cliff to stop me jumping off. It was just a dream but it was SO real. Nothing like I’ve experienced. Not everyone gets this side effect from Mirtazapine, it’s unpleasant, but I’ll tolerate bad dreams if it means I continue to make so much progress in my mental health recovery.

I had to get a James lyric in as the very last song that I heard as a single man, on my way to the registry office in 1991 was Sit Down.

I don’t have a lot to say about yesterday. The weather was awful and I had a lazy day. I spent a good three hours plus writing the blog on social prescribing and also covering sex and mental health. Probably should have split it into two, but I’m leaving it as it is.

I got an email from the head of urgent care at TEWV wanting to fix a meet and I got an email from the CEO acknowledging the email I’d sent to him and the chair of governors thanking James Creer, public governor, for his time. The CEO has also offered to meet, an offer I’ll take up.

I spent a long time trying to make sure my blog went to a lot of people who could help in my quest to get a personal trainer. I really do think it would be a sensible step and would aid my recovery immeasurably. 

I cooked tea for us both whilst listening to a whole album for the first time this year. CollectiV by Jim Jones and the Righteous Mind. A relaxed evening and a good sleep.
Exciting and Big News

Normally I’d save up today’s news for tomorrow’s blog but.....

21 days almost to the exact minute I was admitted to the Mental Health Crisis Team, I’ve officially been discharged this afternoon, into the care of the Community Mental Health Team. 

Huge step, one I couldn’t have dreamt of happening so quickly. I’ve sat with my wife today and completed my Crisis plan and shared it with the Crisis Team and also my daughters, so everyone knows what to do should I have a relapse. There’s no reason I should, but it’s reassuring to know we all know what works now.

I meet with my new Community Psychiatric Nurse next week to start writing my care plan, to plot my road to recovery. I know I’m only at the start of it, but I feel good, hopeful and can see a future.

I’ve spent time adding my thoughts, comments and ideas to TEWV’s Big Conversation today. Sent a couple of emails and made a phone call. All things that seemed impossible ten days ago when all I wanted to do was die.

My focus is now to get all agencies to agree to fund a personal trainer. I’ll not let it lie till I get one !

And finally, it would have been my father’s birthday today. He would have been 85. Many people described him as a gentleman and a gentle man. He was. Happy Birthday Pops xx

Love, hugs and hope
Blot x


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