Positive Risk Taking for Well Being.

So now I want to get something for me,

now I want to get something for me.

I’ve  swallowed air, I’ve had my bellyful.

I don't want to lose it when we have no cause,

I don't want to lose it but the choice is yours.

Neds Atomic Dustbin. Swallowing Air.

Sunday, no great plans. Slept really well and don’t recall having any dreams for the first time since starting on Mirtazapine. Took an effort to get out of bed, but helped my wife clean the cottage.

After yesterday’s shaky start, the day definitely got better. We’ve a number of large fruit trees in the back garden. We’ve had a huge harvest of apples in particular this year. But it’s time for the trees to have a hard prune once all fruit is picked. 

Despite it being decidedly chilly and breezy, we stripped one of the biggest trees of its bountiful harvest and my wife agreed to allowing me to then prune the tree back. So armed with secateurs, heavy duty clippers, a pruning saw and a large bow saw, plus two sets of ladders, it was time to set to work.

The amount of paperwork the risk assessment this would likely have generated with my care coordinators and care teams would have taken up more trees than I was pruning! But I felt comfortable and confident my mood was stable enough to take the job on safely, whilst my wife stayed to supervise and help clear branches as they dropped.

I pruned two trees and ended up with a real sweat on. All I thought about throughout the two hours it took was the task in hand, nothing else. It was satisfying and I felt useful. 

As I packed away the tools, my eldest daughter was busy training powerlifting in the garage. It’s what I want to take up to aid my recovery and to counteract the risks of weight gain. 

So as I was definitely warmed up after all the sawing I’d done, I asked my daughter to talk me through attempting a deadlift for the first time ever. 75kg. Did two reps of three lifts and it felt so good. It convinced me I want to take up weights and will discuss it with my CPN on Tuesday.

I felt a real sense of achievement. Something I’ve not experienced this year. A good day. 


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