Call me, Call me, anytime. Someone please call!

Call me (call me) on the line

Call me, call me any, anytime
Call me (call me) I'll arrive
You can call me any day or night
Call me

Blondie. Call Me.

I know, I’ve used another Blondie lyric in a previous post, what was it about phones and Debbie Harry?!

We’re heading off for a couple of days by the sea. We should have been going to watch a live theatre production of Rita, Sue and Bob too, but that of course has been postponed. I challenge anyone to act that one out with a two metre distance rule 😂

We’re also going away in limbo. The appointment with my new Consultant Psychiatrist was cancelled on Monday afternoon. It was the previous Tuesday that my Community Mental Health Nurse last assessed my mood level and both she and my wife both agreed I remain flat and in need of another anti depressant adding to the Mirtazapine I’m currently taking. 

My CMHN is an advanced nurse practitioner but hasn’t done the prescribing course. So once again we hit a barrier in my care. I couldn’t be a more compliant patient, I’ll gladly take any further medication and treatment that will help. Getting a prescription should be so simple, but once again we’re faced with uncertainty and a total lack of communication from another TEWV team. 

I guess we’ll have to knock on more doors to get a basic action completed. 

Love and tier 1 hugs, especially to those in Greater Manchester who are fighting for all of us.

Blot x


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