Hoping for a hat trick.

Don't it make you sick

when they say trust me I'm your friend?
You know there must be some election
coming round again
And what about when someone calls
you haven't seen in years?
You know they're after something
when they break down in tears.

Mega City Four. Finish.

Another Monday. Last week I definitely saw some progress. The new meds seem to be lifting my mood, I had days where I felt productive and was able to speak to a few folk on video calls. I don’t want to get too excited as I’ve had instant lifts in mood from other anti depressants, but this feels different this time. 

I’m enjoying listening to music and have started reading Gary Numan’s new autobiography, so that’s all good. It was nice today, albeit for very sad reasons, to be contacted by a few people from the media seeking quotes about football and dementia. A reminder that a big part of me that my illness has removed from me, is still there. 

Whilst I’ve tried to avoid following too much of the news, it’s impossible to do so. I truly hope that by the end of our enforced lockdown, we’ll see a new President of America and closer to home, a fully functioning track and trace system. It’s maybe too much to hope for a hat trick and to see the government back up their multiple mentions of mental health by investing some of the magical billions Rishi Sunak is finding, into building a country modelled on New Zealand’s approach of underpinning all fiscal policy with the impact it has to improve mental well being? 

Here’s hoping.

Love and still tier 1 hugs

Blot x


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