Thinking of emailing a contact who is struggling but not sure what to say?

You raise me up when I'm on the floor

You see me through when I'm lonely and scared
And I'm feeling true to the written word
And you're true to me but still I need more
It would tear me apart to feel no one ever cared

The Mission. Tower of Strength.

Its been a crap weekend, waiting for an email that never came. I know I’ve been on edge and we’ve spent most of our time clearing cupboards and tidying the house, to distract my thoughts and to hang on to positivity. 

I received one of the most thoughtful and kind emails earlier this week that I think I’ve ever seen. I won’t name who it came from, but can say they don’t know me all that well. But what I will say is the amount of care and time that was put into the message gave me a huge uplift and I read the message multiple times. I do want to share how they signed off. 

“Meantime please don’t feel any obligation to reply to this. I know how difficult it can be to deal with things when your mind isn’t right and I wouldn’t want you to feel any pressure.

Much love.”

That acknowledgment meant a huge amount and I enjoyed constructing a reply, recalling memories the email triggered and the emotions too.

If you are ever unsure whether to email a friend, colleague or acquaintance who you know is having a hard time, but are unsure whether to, take a look at how to sign off and send that message, it can make a huge difference.

Lockdown Hugs and well done USA.

Blot x


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