Time to talk weights, health and fitness.

Mr. Blue Sky please tell us why

You had to hide away for so long (so long)
Where did we go wrong?
Hey you with the pretty face
Welcome to the human race
A celebration, Mr. Blue Sky's up there waitin'
And today is the day we've waited for.
ELO. Mr Blue Sky
Today marks the end of week 8 of the 12 week case study I’m currently undertaking with TEWV NHS mental health trust and Tristan Eaglen Coaching. I’ve just come inside from a forty five minute unsupervised weights session. That’s five days out of seven I’ve lifted this week. Today consisted of four reps of 10 x barbell overhead presses, 10 x barbell bicep curls and some 20 second pause split squats. TEC introduced those to me in yesterday’s session and as it was an easier session today, I tried to stick to 20 seconds after yesterday’s 15.
As of the start of December, I’d not exercised for three months and was piling on the pounds, my antidepressants had just been increased and I had little purpose to my life. A combination of factors have resulted in a significant improvement in both my mental health and physical health. The three times a week TEC sessions have given my week structure and routine. It’s also given me something to look forward to. 
Cycling on Zwift has been really enjoyable. To date I’ve cycled just over 1,100 kms and am currently enjoying taking part in the ‘Tour de Zwift’. Other than Xmas Day, Boxing Day and one day that was full of meetings, I’ve cycled each day, mixing long flat rides with a few mountains, group rides, sprints and some much needed gentle recovery rides. 
I didn’t think I’d take to lifting as much as I have. I’ve never been muscular and am relatively tall, so I had little expectation of building any real strength. I wasn’t at all surprised to find out just how low my baseline strength and balance was. If I say my first attempt at a proper press up didn’t get past lying facedown on the floor, it would paint a pretty accurate picture. See same pose for planks, plank shoulder taps, bird dogs, deadbugs and a host of other leg burning, arm burning, stomach churning exercises. 
I have been surprised at how quickly I’ve noticed progress and how my confidence in the lift techniques and the balance exercises has increased. I enjoy deadlifting and felt a real buzz yesterday at increasing to 80kg reps of six. It’s the heaviest I’ve lifted and I can safely say after the first week, I couldn’t imagine having the strength and technique to be able to lift that kind of weight once, never mind repeatedly. I really enjoy bench and bicep curls, I’m gradually improving my technique in overhead presses and the leg burning barbell split squats. Press ups remain a source of much mirth for TEC whenever he throws them into the mix....
My body shape has changed, my waist is back to where it was probably twenty years ago. I can now pull my abdomen in and feel some upper body strength and stability that definitely wasn’t ever there before.
I’ve been keeping a mood and medication diary as part of the measures of the case study. I’ve now had eleven days in a row where I’ve rated my mood as balanced. At the start of the study I was regularly taking diazepam, paracetamol and ibuprofen, non of which I now need. Food has become enjoyable again, I eat sensible portions and even green vegetables make the occasional appearance on the plate. My caffeine intake has dropped significantly. 
So all in all, so far, so good. 

Finally, it’s #TimetoTalk on the 4th February. If you think or know that a mate is struggling, send them a message. Don’t push them for an answer, but don’t be afraid to contact them. You might not get an answer, or you may get one eventually. It’s highly likely though that it will be read and appreciated. 

One way of signing off is this.

“Please don’t feel any obligation to reply to this. I know how difficult it can be to deal with things when your mind isn’t right and I wouldn’t want you to feel any pressure.“

Love and tier 2 hugs


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