Discharged from Mental Health services

 How did you get so very high

You got so high you almost touched the sky

Lady luck couldn't wish you more luck than I

So take a jump and steal your piece of sky

The Wonder Stuff - Piece of Sky

Today is a day that in one way seem so normal and in other ways so unimaginable. Five months ago I couldn't imagine being in the position I am. Today, I find it hard to recollect the thoughts and feelings I had then.

I've just been discharged from Mental Health services. I'm happy, healthy and enjoying life. On reflection its probably been several years since I've felt so good, released from many of the self made stresses, I feel excited and optimistic about the future, not only for myself but also about my family and friends.

We've made some big life decisions over the past few weeks and are now well along the route of moving house to spend some time enjoying living by the sea and taking life a lot easier. Not to say I'll be retiring, but I will be getting a very healthy balance of life/work/exercise and fun.

The past 18months or so have been an experience I'd not want to go through again. I still intend to use the learning of good and bad care, to try to influence and improve mental health provision for those finding themselves in need of help and support and I will continue to bang the drum for services for us ageing males in particular.

I've found writing this blog both cathartic and really helpful. I hope it may have helped some others to see that even from the very depths of despair, there can be a future, a healthy one at that too.

I hope the next time I write, it is after taking a couple of rescue dogs for a walk along a beach.

Take care and peace out

Blot x


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